VicMan Software Users Community

Feature Request - option to change Digital denoise intensity
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Author:  ruudboek [ Sat Dec 29, 2007 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  Feature Request - option to change Digital denoise intensity

I have quite a lot of pictures that contain a lot of ISO noise.
I tried to use the Digital denoise option to lessen this ISO noise, but i'm not even convinced that it is making any difference after processing.
Would it be possible to create a slider that enables you to set the intensity of the removal of Digitial noise?

Is the Digital denoise option even meant to remove ISO noise?
With ISO noise i mean all those "grains" that are visible in the picture. ISO noise is typically noticable on pictures created in a rather dark environment with a digital camera.
It is extremely common to occur, alsmost every digital camera suffers from this. I think removing ISO noise could easily qualify as a very common task for most photo enthusiasts.

There is a "freeware-with-a-nag-screen" application called Noiseware that is very good at removing this ISO noise. Is uses some advanced algoritmes for this. You can find more onfirmation on this here: and the freeware version can be found here: ... XP2601.exe

I really would prefer to use just the photo toolkit for the most common tasks, so if you would be able to improve on the removal of ISO noise, that would be really great.

Author:  ruudboek [ Sun Mar 09, 2008 3:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am very impressed about the changes in Denoise in beta 1.0 of Photo! Editor.
I compared photo's before and after denoise and the results are very good indeed.
The noise reduction seems to take place with hardly any detail loss as far as i can see.
This is very useful. :D

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