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VicMan Software Users Community • View topic - Photos of flowers

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 Post subject: Photos of flowers
PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 2:21 am 

Joined: Fri Dec 29, 2006 2:13 am
Posts: 13
Location: Lakeland FL
I am a new user, here, and I want to know if any one likes to take photos of flowers. I grow daylilies and frequently photograph them. They make great wall papers for the computer

Daylilies are the Lord's smiles, a new one everyday.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:39 pm 
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Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2005 3:15 pm
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Upload them to Image Gallery. We will look at them! :wink:

 Post subject: Daylily Photos To Come In a Few Months.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:11 pm 

Joined: Fri Dec 29, 2006 2:13 am
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Location: Lakeland FL
I will upload photos of daylilies as I take them in a couple of months. All my photos were lost when I had a hard drive failure recently. Then on top of that my Canon Powershot A300 quit taking pictures but would display the ones already on the memory card. The only photos of daylilies I have now are not taken by me and so I can't upload them without the owner's permission. I am on a image list of the LilyChat group, a subgroup of the Daylily Exchange's LilyChat, a private chat I belong to.The Daylily Exhange is an auction site for daylilies.

Daylilies are the Lord's smiles, a new one everyday.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 3:07 am 
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Joined: Wed Nov 02, 2005 6:51 pm
Posts: 49
That really stinks about your 'pute and Cam.......My other computer went 'somewhere' and the photos with it...Haven't tried getting them out yet don't know if I can...but I got a used one from private party, did lotsa cleanup, it acts kind of funky but works well enough to get on internet and download pics, to...So I'm building up photos again...
I take lots of flower photos...I just love it...Actually that's what made me become interested in photograpy...and photo editing, but not into the really heavy stuff, yet...
the kids all went in on a new cam for me for Xmas, an Olympus SP 510UZ...I am still getting the hang of it....But come blooming time in my garden you can be sure I'll be taking snaps of their 'baby steps'...I planted some lilies for the 1st time last year and just love them...also lots more gladiolas and those are just gorgeous plants except they seem to fall over. I need to figure out how to stabilize them...Anyway, Nice to chat with ya, Daylily!


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 3:43 am 

Joined: Fri Dec 29, 2006 2:13 am
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Location: Lakeland FL
I got a new camera recently, a Cobra DC5500 5 megapixel. It is a really small camera that doesn't have all the features of my Canon. I got it from Fingerhut because of the price. It was only 99.00 plus shipping. The memory card was seperate and was 39.99. After I bought it, I found a 1gb card for only 19.99 online. It was the same brand as the one I bought with the camera. Flower shots will be taken with it as soon as I have blooms. My daylilies made it thru the winter with very little damage from the freeze we had recently. As soon as I can get some fertilizer mixed up tomorrow I will fertilize them to jump start the blooming growth. I have a show on May 5 this year at the Florida Botanical Gardens in Largo Fl that I will be helping at and I will have blooms entered into the show if I have blooms open that day.
The Cobra camera is just a temporary camera until I can save up enough money to replace the Canon with another Canon Powershot series. Once I get the new Canon, the Cobra will be a back up camera.

Daylilies are the Lord's smiles, a new one everyday.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:09 am 
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Hi, Daylily, How do a like your new camera...I haven't heard of that brand before....At least you'll have somehting to photograph your lilies with...Maybe you can answer a question for me...I bought some bulbs that were called lilliums....are they of the daylily family? Anyway happy shooting!

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:24 am 

Joined: Fri Dec 29, 2006 2:13 am
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Location: Lakeland FL
If they are bulbs, they are true lilies. Daylilies are not bulbs but a plant with tuberous roots . Lilium lilium is the Latin name for lilies. Hemerocallis is the Latin for daylilies.. A lot of people who are not familiar with daylilies think they are lilies of the Liilium lilum type. To see what a daylily plant looks like go to this website and explore the links on it at It is the website of the governing body of the American Hemerocallis Society . My region is the entire state of FL , Region 12 of the AHS.

Daylilies are the Lord's smiles, a new one everyday.

 Post subject: new camera
PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:38 am 

Joined: Fri Dec 29, 2006 2:13 am
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Location: Lakeland FL
Since the Cobra camera did not have a macro setting, my hubby let me buy a new camera. it is a Samsung L73 7.2 megapixel. I have uploaded a photo of amaryllis to the image gallery that was taken with the Samsung. It was resized to the 680 x 440 size so I could upload it.

Daylilies are the Lord's smiles, a new one everyday.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 4:00 am 
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Joined: Wed Nov 02, 2005 6:51 pm
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How cool is that having 2 cameras...Now you'll have a back up. Your amaryllis are beautiful!


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:26 am 

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While my youngest son , his girfriend and son were up here this last weekend, she mentioned she wished she had a small camera to stick in her purse to have to shoot pictures wiith instead of having to use the great big camear my son has. So I gave her the Cobra camera and all the stuff that went with it. She just needs to get a memory card for it.

Daylilies are the Lord's smiles, a new one everyday.

 Post subject: Flower photograhy is one of my hobbies
PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:34 pm 
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Joined: Sat Apr 07, 2007 8:10 am
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Here is a 3D gallery I made with some of the flowers I shot at our home.
If you don't have Cortona, a plug in that enables you to view 3d there is a link fo a 5 second fix just abouve the gallery...If you surf around the site a little you will find many more pictures of flowers and other family oriented stuff...peace be with you. Copa

It's never too late to have a happy childhood

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 3:37 am 

Joined: Fri Dec 29, 2006 2:13 am
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Location: Lakeland FL
I went to your site Copalis and you grow many plants that I can't grow. We get too hot and humid for a lot of plants and they will not preform as well as they do in other zones. That is why I grow things that like heat . Amaryllis here can stay in the ground without having to be dug up and stored over the winter. Daylilies love the heat and they bloom for a long time. My amaryllis is just about finished blooming now, only two stalks left to bloom. Daylilies are starting to send up their scapes and I have a few on order to be coming in. I recently planted two new ones, One called Chablis Blanc and the other called Mal. Chablis Blanc is a very pale yellow that is covered with what we call diamond dusting. It literally glitters like a diamond when the sun hits it. Mal is a cram white that is supposed to be a good hybridizing plant. I have a cross I want to do with one called Sea Urchin and Mal. I would love to see the form of Sea Urchin with Mal's color and the gold edge of Sea Urchin.[/img]

Daylilies are the Lord's smiles, a new one everyday.

 Post subject: Losing all My Information On Computer
PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 7:06 pm 

Joined: Fri Dec 29, 2006 2:13 am
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Location: Lakeland FL
Recently I went down to visit my son and his family down on Big Pine Key in the FL Keys for 3 weeks. While I was gone my daughter got on my computer and did something that resulted in completely corrupting Windows to the point that I couldn't even bring it up on the computer when I got home. I had to reformat and re-install everything, losing all my photos and everything else I had. I returned home on June 29 and it has taken till today, July 4 to get back up and running with a slight semblance to what I had originally.

I lost all the photos of flowers I had taken since they started blooming and missed 3 weeks of blooms while I was gone. Some plants are now on their re-bloom scapes. As soon as I can upload the photos I have taken I will upl;oad them to the image gallery. I was able to get some shots of the Key Deer, one of my son feeding a piece of a banana to a young buck .

Daylilies are the Lord's smiles, a new one everyday.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:20 am 

Joined: Fri Dec 29, 2006 2:13 am
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Location: Lakeland FL
I am sorry that I haven't posted in a long time but life had gotten in the way. These last few months have really done a number on my plants, I lost quite a few to a disease called crown rot. There is no cure for it. The roots will get slimy and rot away. But I will replace the plants one at a time.

For Christmas my hubby and I went down to Big Pine Key to spend Christmas with our youngest son and his family. While we were down there, we were given a sunset cruise on a catamaran around Key West. I took my camera with me and got some really good shots of the sun setting over the water.
My best Christmas present was a new computer that my son helped me build. I supplied half the money to get it. It is a Ultra case with clear side, Gigabyte GA=M61SME-S2 motherboard, EVGA Nvidia Geforce 7800 video card, Diamond Xtreme Sound 5.1 sound card, LG DVD/CD-RW drive 80GB Sata Hard drive. I have 6 USB ports ALAN ethernet connection plug and I have the ability to lock the case so no one could turn it on or off.

Daylilies are the Lord's smiles, a new one everyday.

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